HPC, HTC, AI, and markets

I've not written much in any format outside of Twitter for a while.  Much has happened while I was away. * NVidia (NVDA) is looking to get government approval to buy ARM. Old news, but worth noting that the deal is big enough to attract government's attention.…

Why I left Cray/HPE

This happened about 9 months before writing this post.  I've joined a proprietary trading company, working on the HPC side.  So far, I've done fleet wide data collection and analysis using Julia and Python pulling from large time series DBs, and creating Jupyter pages, installed a…

Hypothesis tested and rejected

Yes, I know its been close to a year since I wrote anything.  This was in part due to a decision to switch off the old WordPress based blog (PHP+mysql+....) to a static site.  My theory was that I didn't need all the cruft ... and bells and…