A rubicon has been crossed

I have submitted, after editing/formatting/reviewing, my first SciFi short story for consideration of publication.  The next (about) 180 days of waiting for the response, be it negative (19/20 odds) or positive (1/20 odds), are going to be ... interesting. In the mean time ... I have a position…

Tooling/stack matters

As I continue to explore the landscape of options for my next job, I've been having conversations with many people about their needs/wants/think-they-need issues.  What is curious to me are the similarities across organizations for solving the same sorts of problems, with tooling that really doesn&…

Technical debt

Waaaay back in graduate school towards the end of my research first days, my father sent me a copy of "The Unix Haters Handbook".  It was a mostly humorous compilation of complaints about unix in general. I enjoyed the book.  A story within it had to do with…

@HPCpodcast talking about Linux wars

I joined Shahin Khan of OrionX and Doug Black of InsideHPC to talk about the kerfuffle around Red Hat/IBM's decision to close off access to sources (behind a paywall with additional distributi.on restrictions), and what this could mean to the ecosystem. It was a great conversation,…

Pain is a powerful teacher

I have spinal stenosis.  Which resulted in a sciatica like pain down my left leg.  It got bad enough that I could no longer walk appreciable distances without significant pain meds, and rest. I'd even ordered, and used on occasion, a cane to help me walk. I scheduled…

Red Hat, rebuilders, and paths forward for HPC

Red Hat has decided to change the way it handles its source distribution for its enterprise products.  This change impacts downstream rebuilders, such as Alma and Rocky Linux.  Not to mention Oracle.  This change has potentially very large implications down the line.  I'll get to this later. Red…

All good things ...

June 1st was my last day at Jump Trading. I spent lots of time writing code in Python, Julia, and some C++.  I worked with massive data sets.  I built (testable) models of things.   It was a mixture of a research and software development position.  I enjoyed it, and the…

Implications of runs on banks

So yeah, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) had a run last week.  Over the weekend various (self interested) people posted takes that ranged between pleading for bailouts, begging FDIC/Fed/Treasury to do things, all the way through people (without obvious self interest) who seem to know and understand the processes…